9 Şubat 2012 Perşembe

Special Thanks :)

Wow!90 views!!I think I can create a new web page and make some money :P Thanks.Maybe I can add some of my photos and get some more view :P


What I liked in this book is the vocabulary under the pages.Almost each page has vocabulary under it,so it is easier to understand the story.In some books we had to read before,it was a big problem that we couldn't understand the story,because there were some vocabulary we haven't known.Although we had the vocabulary,there were some unknown words,but if you try to guess the meaning,you see that it is the right meaning.I want to write down some words,I guessed their meanings and then looked up in dictionary.

attitude(n)                       thought                                    manner, disposition, feeling, position, etc.,

to count on(v)                 to trust                                    to depend or rely on      

shelter(n)                        kind of a place to stay          the protection or refuge afforded by such a thing

If I would write something about the main themes of the novel,the main theme could be the emptiness as we said today in lesson.Digging holes symbolize the emptiness.Another main theme is innocence,I think.Stanley goes to camp for a crime he didn't commit.It is also about justice.If there was justice,Stanley wouldn't go to camp.A strong friendship could be another theme,as we can see in all books for teenagers.
(213 Words)

8 Şubat 2012 Çarşamba

If I Were You...

While I was reading the book,I thought several times what I would do,if I went to Camp Green Lake.It is a really tough situation to get up early in the morning,to dig holes under the sun,to try to do something in a room which is called ''Wreck Room''.

I think at camps like Camp Green Lake you need to get along with the other guys at the camp.It is the main point.Otherwise you would be treated as stupid like Zero.So if I were there,I would try to have a strong friendship with the boys at camp,especially with X-Ray,because he is a kind of leader at camp.What Stanley does,I mean giving the golden tube to X-Ray.It is a giant step for a strong friendship.It is a real sacrifice giving that tube to X-Ray,because that means giving a one day free to X-Ray.It is the same.

While we were talking about the book in the class,I said Kaan:''Hey!Isn't it a good chance to build some muscles?1.5 year digging holes?Don't you think?''That was a joke,but I was actually a bit serious,because I always try to do my best when I do something.So I would try to dig the best hole and see the good points of the camp.I know it's a bit hard to see the good points in such a situation,but I think you should do it.That helps you keep motivated.(259 words)

                                                       After 1.5 years digging holes..

A Good First Impression Is Really Important

                               It's the golden rule for a good first impression.Be careful,boys!

A good first impression is really important.At least I believe so.That's why I am so careful,when I meet new people.I just want to impress them.When I am gone,they must say:''Wow!He was really cool and charismatic.''

I want to share my first impressions of the book ''Holes'' as I find first impressions important.I know that I should write my first impressions first,but I still remember,what I felt when I took the book in my hands :)

When I read the first five chapters of the book,I guess that I will read a great book and I was right :) The first chapter were written so that the readers get curious about the story.Imagine: An innocent boy and a camp in a desert.The other guys were guilty and our protagonist,Stanley,didn't commit any crime.It must be a story full of adventures :D

In the third chapter I read a passage,which is really interesting.It is:

''Everyone in his family had always liked the fact that 'Stanley Yelnats' was spelled the same frontward and backward.So they kept naming their sons Stanley,Stanley was an only child,as was every other Stanley Yelnats before him''

I wish I had a name and a surname like this.It is really cool :D If I had a name like this,I would name my sons Stanley,too.

Another quotation I liked is :'' You're not in the Girl Scouts anymore.''Thats what Mr.Sir says to Stanley on his first day at camp.

I am sure that all readers ask themselves this question:Why do they make the boys dig holes?Does it really build up their character?If you keep reading the book,you will see that their real purpose is finding something valuable in the desert.Building up characters is just what they say.

I hope my first impressions of the book make you have a first impression :)

(331 Words)

7 Şubat 2012 Salı

A Short Summary

I have read 143 pages so far,that means 40 chapters and I want to write a short summary for the readers,who want to know the main points of the story.It will be really helpful for your first impression of the book.

In the beginning we read some information about yellow-spotted lizards,which will appear several times in the novel and then we meet our main character:Stanley Yelnats.Stanley goes to Camp Green Lake,because he stole sneakers of a famous baseball player.Actually it is what the people think.He didn't steal the sneakers he just found them,but he has no choice,he has to go either to jail or to Camp Green Lake.

Camp Green Lake is the place,where ''bad boys'' have to go.Although it is called a ''lake'',you can see no lake there.There used to be a lake,but it dried out.If we could go there in real life,we would just see thousands of holes in a place like desert.These holes must be dug by the boys in the camp.I imagine the place would look like this :

The counselors think that digging holes ''build up'' their character,that's why boys have to dig holes everyday.Stanley has to dig holes,too.

In the novel we have a sub-story as well.This the story of Stanley's ancestors and an outlaw Kissin' Kate Barlow,who robbed the fortune of Stanley's great-grandfather.

In the main story Stanley make some friends in the camp,but Zero is his best friend,because he is the only one,who tries to help him.The other guys and the counselor Mr. Pendanski think that Zero is stupid,but Stanley knows he is really clever,but he just doesn't want to answer the questions.

One day,as Stanley digs his hole as usual,he finds a golden tube.Letters KB are engraved on it.Stanley thinks it belonged to Kate Barlow.He gave it to X-Ray,a boy at the camp,because they made a deal.If Stanley finds something,he will give it to X-Ray,because if boys find something,which can interest The Warden,they will get a day off.In the upcoming chapters we will learn that,this golden tube was the lipstick Kate Barlow used.She kissed her victims after she killed them,that's why she is called Kissin' Kate Barlow.

In his time at the camp Stanley teaches Zero,his best friend, how to read.For this education Zero digs holes for Stanley and it annoys the other guys at the camp.Zigzag beats Stanley up,because he gets angry and then Zero comes and chokes Zigzag.The counselor fires his pistol to make the children calm down,When the other counselors and The Warden hear the voice,they come to see what happened.They learn from Zigzag,that Zero digs holes for Stanley,so The Warden wants that everybody digs his own holes.However Zero doesn't want to dig holes anymore,so he hit Mr. Pendanski's face with his shovel and escapes.

Stanley wants to find his best friend Zero,so he steals the truck,as the counselors fill their canteens,but he can't drive so far away,because a wheel of the car gets stuck in a hole.

As he goes through the desert,he remembers what his great-grandfather said about God's thumb.He sees a mountain,which has a shape of a thumb,so he plans to go there.

On his way he understands that it is not so easy to there.Besides he sees a thing on the desert and wants to see what it is.When he goes there,he sees that it is a boat and he finds Zero there.He thinks that they need go back to camp,but Zero says he doesn't want to dig holes anymore,so Stanley persuades him to go to the ''Thumbs Up'' together,but there is a problem.Zero ate a kind of spiced peaches he calls ''sploosh'' to survive,but it hurts him,so he can't walk and climb so easy like before.Although he is hurt,he still wants to go there so they make their way to the ''Thumbs Up''.
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6 Şubat 2012 Pazartesi

General Information About The Book ''Holes''

''Holes'' was published by the autor Louis Sachar in 1998.The first publisher was Farrar,Straus and Giroux.As a novel for children and teenagers it won some awards.These are National Book Award for Young People's Literature (U.S -1998) and Newbery Medal(1999).Moreover there is a film ''Holes'',which is based on the book.

I haven't watched the film yet,but I think I will watch it in a few days,because most of my classmates recommend me the film.Althought I haven't finished the book yet,I really liked it,so the film must be awesome =) The IMDb rating of the film is 7.0,but we all know that,sometimes ratings don't reflect the truth.I watched some films in holiday(with english subtitles :D) and they dont' have such good ratings,but I really liked them.These films are Fight Club,Never Back Down and Green Street Hooligans.They are must-seen.