8 Şubat 2012 Çarşamba

If I Were You...

While I was reading the book,I thought several times what I would do,if I went to Camp Green Lake.It is a really tough situation to get up early in the morning,to dig holes under the sun,to try to do something in a room which is called ''Wreck Room''.

I think at camps like Camp Green Lake you need to get along with the other guys at the camp.It is the main point.Otherwise you would be treated as stupid like Zero.So if I were there,I would try to have a strong friendship with the boys at camp,especially with X-Ray,because he is a kind of leader at camp.What Stanley does,I mean giving the golden tube to X-Ray.It is a giant step for a strong friendship.It is a real sacrifice giving that tube to X-Ray,because that means giving a one day free to X-Ray.It is the same.

While we were talking about the book in the class,I said Kaan:''Hey!Isn't it a good chance to build some muscles?1.5 year digging holes?Don't you think?''That was a joke,but I was actually a bit serious,because I always try to do my best when I do something.So I would try to dig the best hole and see the good points of the camp.I know it's a bit hard to see the good points in such a situation,but I think you should do it.That helps you keep motivated.(259 words)

                                                       After 1.5 years digging holes..

3 yorum:

  1. You're right. I mean I, also thought that becoming friends with X-Ray would help.

  2. It's not right dude. If you want to become a "reyiz" , I mean a leader, you shouldn't work for anyone. And you can't grow your gluts and quads by digging holes. You need absolutely a tug toner if you wanna grow your muscles.

  3. with a tug toner we can work out together bro ;)
