9 Şubat 2012 Perşembe


What I liked in this book is the vocabulary under the pages.Almost each page has vocabulary under it,so it is easier to understand the story.In some books we had to read before,it was a big problem that we couldn't understand the story,because there were some vocabulary we haven't known.Although we had the vocabulary,there were some unknown words,but if you try to guess the meaning,you see that it is the right meaning.I want to write down some words,I guessed their meanings and then looked up in dictionary.

attitude(n)                       thought                                    manner, disposition, feeling, position, etc.,

to count on(v)                 to trust                                    to depend or rely on      

shelter(n)                        kind of a place to stay          the protection or refuge afforded by such a thing

If I would write something about the main themes of the novel,the main theme could be the emptiness as we said today in lesson.Digging holes symbolize the emptiness.Another main theme is innocence,I think.Stanley goes to camp for a crime he didn't commit.It is also about justice.If there was justice,Stanley wouldn't go to camp.A strong friendship could be another theme,as we can see in all books for teenagers.
(213 Words)

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